Dec 2, 2007

No Vacancy in Hyderabad Bars!!!!

Come weekends there two things you will not able find in Hyderabad area. One is movie tickets and other one is a place in Bar. I am not sure what no of new people are starting to drink each week as the situation seems worsen each weekend and its happening during the week days also.

May be its weather that draws the large crowds to bars. Winter, rainy season its the cold and Summer its the heat. It can be inadequate no of bars itself and Bar is a place where people tend to spend more time than a restaurant.

May be if bars can implement some type of reservation system it would be help.

Shyam Ramineni


Satish Tota said...

May be its the lack of entertainment centres and sight-seeing places in the city thats drawing huge crowds to movies and bar's.

OOPS said...

Shyam, is that the reason that your credit card statement doesn't reflect even a single entry of bar bill in the last 3 months.

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaaaah! you guys seem to be fucking bored.

So, imagine calling BAR for reservation .. when you need a Beer.
and they say NO

solution is open a F bar